
Legion: Making gold from Fishing in Broken Shores.

Can you make gold from fishing in Broken Isles? The answer is yes and its so easy to do. Even if you haven't done any fishing in the past, don't worry as you don't need a high skill level to start, you can fish even at one skill point. If you need to learn Fishing you can speak to Marcia Chase who can be found in Dalaran or from the other Fishing Trainers found in the major cities.

Dalaran: Broken Isles

The best thing about fishing is that it can be done whilst questing. I will stop and fish most pools of fish, while I'm out in the Broken Isles. The only issue you're going to have starting with no skill points is that you won't have Find Fish which shows pools of fish on your mini map. Don't worry about it too much as it won't be long before you will found one of these...

Once you find this item it makes your life easier as it now shows the pools as a yellow circle. I would also recommend getting three addons called GatherMate2 , Fishing Buddy and Cross Realm Assist these can be found at Curse.


GatherMate 2 is an addon which will remember where you have fished pools of fish/nodes and show them on your main map as a little picture of a worm on a hook. It also show them on your mini map, but this time as a yellow ring, which is really useful as you can plan a route out to make sure you get the most fish possible. Please note this also works for Mining, Herbalism, Treasure, Timber and Archaeology. I have used this addon for years now and It has helped me so much in all of my gathering professions!!

Fishing Buddy.

This addon has a lot of options, but being honest, only use a couple. The main reason I use it is for Easy Cast where you can you cast by double clicking your right mouse button, which is good, and it can be set up to cast while mounted. I also like the option where it will force sound and make your bobber noise really loud so you don't miss that fish biting. It also makes a note in what area you have been catching fish and gives you a percentage of how much fish you catch in one area. You can see this in the screen shot below, which shows that I spend most of my time fishing at Whitewater Wash when in Highmountain.

Cross Realm Assist.

This addon is really handy when farming as once you have fished up all the pools in an area you can use this area to hop realms to find one with pools there already to fish. This will save you lots of time farming. 

When are we going to start with the part about gold making you may ask, very soon, just want to go over what fish/lures you can get and where to go to find these items...

In my very basic looking table below it tells you what common fish can be found in the Broken Isles and what zone they can be fished from.

Silver MackerelAll
Black BarracudaThe Great Sea
Cursed QueenfishAzsuna
Mossgill PerchVal'Sharah
Runescale KoiSuramar
Highmountain SalmonHighmountain

Each zone has a type of fish that can only be found in that zone, but Silver Mackerel is found in all zones and on Wowhead, they say if  you just fish in open water and not the pools of fish you will get 80% of this type of fish and only 20% of the other fish found in each zone.
The Black Barracuda can be found in The Great Sea which means it can be found around the coastline of the Broken Isles.

Rare Fish and Lures.

While out fishing there is also other fish and lures can can be found which are useful and can help increase you fishing skill or help you catch rare fish. All of the rare fish listed below can be found by using the lures that are found from fishing pools of fish in the Broken Isles. Each rare fish you find can be thrown back in to give you +5 skill points in Fishing. The only thing is that these lures can be sold on the Auction House anywhere from 100g to over 3000g for an Ancient Vrykul Ring ( please note that these prices are from my realm)!! 
Please note that you can only have one of each type of lure in your bag at any one time. If planning on selling the lures you will need to post them to an alt before it will let you catch any more!

LuresRare FishLuresRare Fish
Pearlescent ConchGhostly QueenfishFunky Sea SnailAncient Highmountain Salmon
Rusty Queenfish BroochLeyshimmer BlennyFrost WormColdriver Carp
Aromatic Murloc SlimeNar'thalas HermitSalmon LureMountain Puffer
Skrog ToenailSwollen Murloc Egg
LuresRare FishLuresRare Fish
Ancient Vrykul RingGraybelly LobsterDemonic DetritusMagic-Eater Frog
Moosehorn HookOodelfjiskEnchanted LureSeerspine Puffer
Silverscale MinnowThundering StormraySleeping MurlocTainted Runescale Koi
Soggy Drakescale
The Great seaVal'Sharah
LuresRare FishLuresRare Fish
Axerfish LureAncient Black-BarracudaDrowned ThistleleafAncient Mossgill
Decayed Whale BlubberAxefishNightmare NightcrawlerTerrorfin
Message in a Beer BottleSeabottom SquidRotten FishboneThorned Flounder
Ravenous Fly
Stunned, Angry Shark

Gold making part.

Right, making gold from fishing is really easy if you only want to sell the fish on the Auction House, people out there will spend a lot of gold on fish as not everyone likes or wants to spend time fishing.
The first thing you need to do is look at what the prices are for the common fish on the Auction House. The way I do it, is make a group in TradeSkillMaster addon. You don't have to use this addon, but I think it helps save time and can help you make a lot of gold!

To make a group is easy (Xionik has made a really good video showing you how this is done. Here is video- TSM 3- How to set up groups), open up TSM using the mini map button or type /tsm in chat. Click the Group tab at the top and from here you can make a new group. I called my group Legion Fish + Lure's and in this main group I have made three subgroups, you can use this link Legion Fish + Lure's which will sort that out for you and also import all the fish and lures. All you need to do is import the item string and tick the Move Already Grouped Items and you should end up with the main group looking like this.

Main Group

Shopping Operation

You should now  have a group made up the Legion Fish + Lure's, you will need to make four Operations, one for Shopping and three for Auctioning.

Open TSM and follow the instructions below to make the operation.
Operations>Shopping>New Operation>Operation Name ( I called mine Legion Fish + Lure's)

Now you should have a Operation like in the screen shot below, the only thing you wont have is anything in the Maximum Auction Price (per item). You can add whatever pricing source you want, you can check out here for of list of sources or type /tsm sources in chat. I have ticked the 'Show Auctions Above Max Price' as we are only using the shopping operation as a way of finding out the prices of fish before we set out to do some fishing.

Legion Fish + Lure's

Auctioning Operation

I've made three operations for shopping, Legion lures, Legion fish high and Legion fish low. Below are some screen shots showing my settings for posting. Operations>Auctioning>New Operation (add group name) >Post. 

Legion Fish Low

Legion Fish High

Legion Lure's

The Posting Price Settings will be different for everyone, the way I do mine is to look at the price of all the fish using the TSM tooltip which can show a number of prices from different sources, I use Historical Price as my guide. After checking each fish I found that three out of the seven sell roughly around the 6g mark, but can drop below the 3g mark, so I've placed these fish in my Low value fish group. The High value fish group is where you will make most of your gold, there are two fish that can sell at the 15g mark. The last two fish are the really good gold making fish (Highmountain Salmon, Black Barracuda) these sell well at 30g, sometimes when there isn't a lot of stock on the Auction House they will sell for 50g each!! What I'm hoping to do by my pricing is to make sure I don't under-price the high-end fish, but also making gold from the lower value ones.

The operations that you  made up  need to be added to the subgroups. Open the Groups tab and you will to add the shopping operation  that you have made to the Groups> Legion Fish + Lure's group> Operations> Shopping> tick Override Module Operations> add Legion Fish + Lure's from the drop down menu. 
Now to add the shopping operations to each subgroup. Groups> High value fish> Operations> Auctioning> tick Override Module Operations> add Legion fish high from drop down menu.

The other two subgroups are set up the same until it comes to adding the operations from the drop down menu. 

Farming Fish

This part of the post I will show you the places I fish and the amount of fish you could catch per hour. I'm not a massive fan of farming, so I have only done a hour fishing of each type, hopefully it will still help with numbers you might get.

All of the farming done for this was done on my Death Knight as I can use Path of Frost and fish on the open water. 


The area I fish is shown in red, its the area where you start questing in Highmountain (the area with the crops and where you have to kick the fish back into the water). You will need to use Cross Realm Assist here as its a small area of water with maybe four pools to be fished at one time. Using Cross Realm Assist made sure I always had fish.

After a hour of fishing I had caught-


You will need to use Cross Realm Assist here as well, I tried to fish the large area of water around the Academy, but there is too many mobs that want to fight you. The area you want to fish is just north of the Academy its a river that runs up to a bridge. 


We need Cross Realm Assist here, but you should only use it after working your way from one end to the other. There is a waterfall at one end and lots of mob at the other which stop you looking further up.


This is a large area of open water and the pools of fish do re-spawn quite fast. There are so mobs you might have to kill during your time here.

 Stormray- 172


There are three fish that can be caught in Suramar, Runescale Koi that is caught in the red highlighted area and Black Barracuda which is can be caught in the purple highlighted area. The Black Barracuda can be caught in the Ocean around the edge of the Broken Isles, The third fish is Silver Mackerel which can be caught anywhere in open water. When I fish for Silver Mackerel I fish in Suramar because I will also catch Black Barracuda which on my realm are the highest value fish.

I fished for a total of three hours here as I had three types of fish to catch.

Sales and Conclusion 

Here are some sales I've had over the last couple of days while putting this post together, so far I have sold four out the seven types of fish and I'm happy as the ones that sold as they are the fish in my High value Fish group.

Fish/Lure TypeNumber Price per item in goldTotal (gold)
Highmountain Salmon8431.632656.92
Highmountain Salmon8429.162449.44
Highmountain Salmon1729.16495.72
Runescale Koi18913.252504.25
Black Barracuda16143.797050.19
Silver Mackerel79.4966.43
Silver Mackerel89.4975.92
Aromatic Murloc Slime12139.42139.4

I'm really happy with the sales I have made so far, as farming to me is about spending my time wisely. If we look at the sales you will see that I sold the whole number of fish caught for three types of fish (Highmountain Salmon, Runescale Koi and Black Barracuda) and the total profit just from those fish was 15156 gold and that was for three hours work...
I still have lots of Lure's and some low value fish left to sell and they will sell, but to be honest I'm going to stick to selling the fish from the list above. As you can see, you can make a fair amount of gold  from a few hours fishing in the Broken Isles and look how easy it is!!
